John Humphreys

Funeral service is on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 11:45 am


We would like to thank you all for your kind words, cards and letters of support and love. It was lovely to read so many memories you shared with Dad over his life. It has not been an easy time, but having this support has been so comforting to us. 

As I'm are sure you are aware, due to the current Covid restrictions, we are sadly only allowed a small gathering to celebrate Dad's life.

Lots of you have contacted us asking about flowers and donations. We know Dad would have preferred to support a worthwhile cause. 

Sadly, Dad's late diagnosis is often very common with Oesophageal Cancer, so we are supporting a small charity, Guts UK, who fund pioneering research projects into helping people affected by diseases of the gut, liver and pancreas. After conversations with Guts UK any donations received will go solely towards research into Oesophageal cancer. Sadly Oesophageal cancer kills nearly 8,000 people a year and the survival rate is poor due to late diagnosis. Understanding and identifying who may be at risk and monitoring will hopefully increase survival rates. Additional research is also taking place to create a non-invasive breath test for early detection of Oesophageal cancer. 

We would like to thank you for your overwhelming support and love at this time.

Ian and Nicky xx

If anyone would like to send a donation, please click on the donate link below. Thank you x